Amazon export    

[Amazon export agent is the last stronghold] Things to think about to survive the Amazon export business

the number of people entering the Amazon export business
is increasing year by year.

I have been observing

the changes in this industry over the years, I feel that the number is steadily increasing.

On the sites published by tool sellers that
support Amazon export,
the number of users of the tool, if you compare it with the situation several years ago,

you can see the approximate increase rate from the estimate. Thing.

same can be said for Amazon export agents

Amazon export agency ,"
you'll find a number of agency names that didn't exist a few years ago, so

it 's hard to estimate the number, but

it's probably less than 5,000 if not tens of thousands. It seems that.

So, are all of those Amazon export entrants
still active?

Of course, profits are also related, but
we are focusing on whether we can continue to do so

The reason why this is the case is because
there are
strict rules for Amazon export if those rules are not followed,
you will be forced to leave

the rules are absolute when continuing to export to Amazon

It's not just one thing, so
let's take this opportunity to sort it out.

It is necessary to be aware that the Amazon export business is a “trading business”.

Amazon export agency business

Amazon export business a trading business .

By having a strong awareness
of business that spans two countries,
you will first realize that there are rules that you need to be aware of

Please consider
the flow line when shipping from Japan to the United States

Most products
are delivered by aircraft, but
there are rules.

Basically, designated as
dangerous goods is not permitted.

you cannot carry
flammable or combustible substances such as perfume or lighters

Other corrosive substances such as
batteries are also subject to this, and
of course,
I don't think it is necessary to poisonous substances

The problem with these cases

that if you purchase
problematic products without knowledge, those products will not be able to be shipped to the United States and
will be completely wasted.

What's wrong with this

is that it's your fault not studying beforehand

In addition,
I asked you to think about the "flow line" to the United States, so
the next step is import customs clearance

Certain products
application work before customs clearance, and if you enter the goods without knowing it,
it is considered smuggling.

Products that require application
include lithium batteries and electronic devices.

Even after passing customs,

there is no point if you can't sell it on Amazon

FBA listings , such as cases where the product itself is prohibited and
cases where it violates regulations regarding weight
, so understanding just one rule
is not enough.

In particular, food categories are
very difficult to handle, so
please do not mess with them even if you make a mistake.

Is direct shipping to "FBA" prohibited for Amazon export?

Amazon export agency business

As you can see,

there are many rules for products to arrive at Amazon.Next , there are rules for shipping to Amazon.

Amazon in the United States


several Amazon FBA warehouses in order to quickly deliver products to customers basically against
to deliver products directly to It becomes.

To resolve this issue, you
will need to modify the invoice.

To explain from an invoice perspective,
in the case of direct shipping to Amazon FBA,
the exporter is you and the importer is Amazon.

Therefore, if you change the "importer" part
from Amazon to something else,
the problem with the consignee will be resolved.

Possible strategies include
a local corporation ( an agency hiring a local partner
to lend you the name.

There are
other regarding customs payment methods
please see the article below for a comprehensive summary of them

What products cannot be sold through Amazon export?

Amazon export agency business

There are

actually over 40 categories on the right to list items in all of them
is not unlocked.

in addition to the rules for FBA listings
that I introduced earlier
, there are categories
that require permission applications that are not open to general sellers

Approximately half of all categories
require permission applications, which is

for general Amazon exporters to , so passing the application
will give you a competitive edge.

, there are screening requirements
for permission applications the details are not made public by Amazon .


from past experience,
I have a rough idea
requires if you are interested, please refer to it.
(Common to almost all genres)

Amazon export rules changed suddenly

Amazon export agency business

There may be no objection to the fact
that Amazon is strict with its rules, but
it is also famous for suddenly changing its rules (terms)

If you don't catch up
on that information
you may end up not being able to continue, as I said at the beginning

However, the notification
is in English because it is an Amazon export.

If you only use Google Translation,

there is a risk that
the subtle nuances will be lost
I think learning English is essential in order to continue the Amazon export business for a long time

There are some important changes to the terms.

For example, in the past,

it became mandatory to
provide a tracking number for all product deliveries

This change
requires an additional fee option
, which

means that the profit formula must be updated

to check it regularly,
it won't be a problem, so
there's no need to worry.

After building a relationship with an Amazon export

Amazon export agency business

the problems I have talked about so far

can be solved by acquiring the correct knowledge

These problems

can be summarized
problems related to logistics and problems
when delivering (listing) to Amazon,
if we focus on the practicalities
of the Amazon export business carried out by individuals, these tasks (works) ) is the responsibility of
the Amazon exporters themselves?

I think different.

the person who undertakes these processes
will be agency that specializes in Amazon export

When this happens, the story changes.

You can borrow the knowledge and skills of a professional for the points that you had to be careful about after obtaining all the information yourself, so
of Amazon export rules
will definitely be reduced.

However, agents
are not jack-of-all-trades, so
will not be able to give you all instructions with a single phone call

Even when using an agency,
there are rules and
a more rationally thought-out
procedure has been created,
so at least understand them.

For example, the following articles may be helpful.

No matter how the relationship is between a customer and a vendor,

a good relationship cannot be created unless
mutual consideration is taken into consideration
why not
think of it as a starting point for producing better results (exporting to Amazon)

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