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How to sell in bulk on Amazon using Excel

Streamline your Amazon sales methods

Selling on Amazon

is a difficult process if you do it one by one

If you manually perform tasks
such as copying from an inventory list, useful techniques using Excel
to complete the task in a short time.

By streamlining your work by combining Amazon and Excel, you
will be able to further reduce the hassle of managing sales methods and inventory.

Use listing file

Amazon allows you to output a "listing file" that lists the inventory status.

First, let's download the listing file to get the current data.

Download the listing file template from the Inventory tab in Amazon Seller Central

Enter inventory status in listing file

Register the current inventory status and sales price in the listing file.

If you only sell on Amazon,
you may want to use this listing file for inventory management.

Inventory management can be done in Excel, and
automation functions such as macros can be used, making work more efficient.

Upload listing files and sell

color-300x125By uploading the data in the listing file to Amazon,
you can register product quantities, prices, etc. all at once.

Once you start using listing files, listing registration
will be a simple matter of uploading the file.

Precautions when using listing files

checklist-300x225Amazon has different sales rules depending on the category, so
the listing file is a separate file for each category.

Excel can be edited using other than Microsoft Office, but
the macros provided by Amazon can only be used with MS Office.

The listing file is a feature that can only be used by large sellers, so
it cannot be used by small sellers who have not paid the monthly fee.

If you are thinking about selling on Amazon from now on,

it would be a good idea to start by learning the basics of how to sell items, as this function can only be used effectively once the number of items listed has increased

If you have not used listing files yet,
please try using them in your future listing work.

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