amazon export    

Amazon export listing procedure

Export business procedures

Amazon, which has a growing number of users
as a shopping site
, has a service for sellers that allows anyone to list items

Export business, which is well known by keywords
such as Amazon export
, is made possible by using Amazon's listing service

, I will explain the steps involved in listing items on Amazon

Search for export products


You need to look for products that will make a
profit even after adding
shipping costs and listing fees
for doing business by listing them on Amazon overseas

If possible,

I would like to find something that will give me a large profit even after including

To do this, you

will need to do some research
to find items with a large difference
between the selling price in Japan and

a product that is suitable for Amazon listing
, move on to the next step.

Register to sell on Amazon


Selling on Amazon
is easier than on other sites.

Find the same product page as the one you purchased and

register that product as one you are

To register,

enter information such as and ``condition of items to be listed


In fact, with Amazon export,
if you have already created a product page,

most of the listing work will be completed just by pressing this listing button

On Amazon in the US, the button below the purchase button that
says "Sell on Amazon"
is a button that allows you to easily complete the listing process.

This button
will be displayed if you have completed seller registration on Amazon.

If it is not displayed,

there is a high possibility that you have not successfully logged in or
the product is in a category that you are not allowed to list

wait for it to sell

Once your listing registration is complete,
you will receive an email and
it will be reflected on the Amazon site immediately.
In the case of FBA sales, there is a time loss between delivery and

All you have to do now is wait for the items you put up for sale to sell.

There's nothing to do until it sells, so
go back to the first step and
look for other items with better conditions.

Increasing the number of products you handle
increases sales opportunities and increases sales.

Will ship when order arrives

is obligated to ship orders within a specified time.

You can decide
the deadline buyers
also consider the time it takes to ship before deciding on a purchase, so
to ship quickly and
increase sales opportunities.

you can print out the ``name and address'' and ``delivery note'' necessary
for shipping you pack the delivery note with the product and
paste the name and address on it, shipping is easy.

For overseas shipments, we use SAL or EMS.

Once shipped, you will complete the shipping notification procedure on Amazon.

Proceeds will be announced later

Amazon transfers all sales proceeds at a later date, so
it may take some time to receive the money.

The process from selling on Amazon to receiving money is as follows.

What to do after selling on Amazon

About work after listing

What should I do after listing on Amazon?

In this article, I would like to summarize the actions that sellers should take after listing their items

Check unshipped orders


Confirming orders must be done every day.

Once your listing is complete, you won't know when the order will arrive, so
it's important to check it every day.

If there is a delay in confirming the order,
shipping will be delayed and the product will arrive late.

If this happens, the seller's rating will drop, making
it difficult to sell the product, so this is an important task for your next business.

Work after order is received


When Amazon receives an order for a product,
it displays a list of information about unshipped products.

You can also print a delivery note by going to the order details page

This delivery note will be used for shipping, so be sure to print it out.

Amazon's delivery note also includes the buyer's name and address, so
it can also be used as the address.

Packing work

We pack the ordered products before shipping them.

Pack the product and cushioning material in a cardboard box, and
don't forget to include the delivery note.

When packaging products, it
is most important to protect them with cushioning materials so that they are safe upon arrival.

If the customer opens the cardboard box and
finds that it is damaged or malfunctioning,
this will also lead to a decline in the seller's reputation.

About shipping method


Amazon exports via EMS (International Express Delivery)
SAL (Economy Airmail)is often used.
contract with a courier
Some people use DHL or UPS.
If you don't have a certain amount, you can get a discount.
Is difficult.

, if you want to receive
the same shipping charges as our company, you will have to send several tons per month.

I think this is a difficult number
unless you try to run a logistics business as your main business

Of course, if you get a certain amount of
you can get it by sending 5 boxes a month.

delivery is faster than EMS.
When shipping,
all you have to do is attach the customer information
the shipping process is as simple as assembly line work.

Notify of shipping completion


You will be notified on Amazon that the shipment has been completed.

At this time, enter the shipping method and tracking number.

If there is no tracking service like SAL
Enter "none" (no tracking number).
*A tracking number is required these days.

All work after ordering on Amazon is now complete.

You will need to do this kind of work
after listing your product on Amazon
it's a good idea to have time to confirm orders and handle shipping

Is it better to have more products?


It is said that you should try to increase the number of items you sell
hatenaeven when you are just starting to export to Amazon

This time I have summarized why it is necessary to have a large number of listings and

I would like to take a closer look at one option when exporting to Amazon: Should you compete with a small number of items, or
should you sell widely with a large number of products?

Disadvantages of increasing the number of listings

There are some disadvantages to increasing the number of items you sell.

For example, since you will be dealing with a large number of products,
the purchasing process will become complicated, and
product management within Amazon will also become troublesome.

concern about increasing the number of items listed is that the inventory risk of the product

Advantages of increasing the number of items listed

So, what are the possible benefits of increasing the number of listings?

Before introducing the benefits, there is something that should be explained.

Amazon has a rating system for sellers, and
poor ratings or low ratings (new sellers) can
be a cause for concern for buyers.

In particular, it is unavoidable that the number of reviews is small at the initial stage, but
by increasing the number of listings, you can quickly increase the number of reviews.

Tips for increasing the number of listings

Increasing the number of listings is a difficult task.

There are few products that can make a big profit, and
if you take on inventory risk, you could end up losing money.

Therefore, in the beginning, even if your profit is zero, you
should increase the number of products you list to get good reviews.

We especially recommend products that have low profits but a large number of sales overall.

Even if profits are low, if there is no inventory risk,
you can enjoy the benefits of increasing the number of evaluations.

The more ratings you get, the easier it will be to sell.

amazon5starIn this way, by increasing the number of listings and
increasing the number of evaluations, it will be easier for other buyers to buy.

Also, even if you receive a low rating,
if you have a large number of high ratings, the number of stars will not be affected much.
Having a large number of ratings is useful for long-term business.

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