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Characteristics of products that can be profitably exported from Amazon and how to find them

The following are the characteristics of products that can be profitably exported from Amazon.

Characteristics of products that can be profitably exported from Amazon

Lightweight and unbreakable product

Due to transportation costs, heavy products are less profitable. Fragile products also have insurance premiums and return/exchange costs, making it difficult to make a profit. Lightweight and unbreakable products have low transportation costs and low risk of returns or exchanges, making them more profitable. Examples include hair accessories and small electronic devices.

Unique products

Products that are not widely available on the market or products developed in-house have less competition and are less susceptible to price competition, making it easier to make a profit. Examples include original apparel products and smartphone apps developed in-house.

Products with high demand and an expanding market

Products that are in high demand can generate high profits without being caught up in price competition. Additionally, products with growing markets can be expected to see an increase in demand in the future, making long-term business development possible. Examples include health foods, health equipment, bicycles, and electric scooters.

Points to consider when choosing products that will be profitable to export to Amazon

Furthermore, in order to choose products that will be profitable to export to Amazon, it is important to pay attention to the following points.

1. Conduct market research

It is important to research what kind of demand there is for the product you want to sell on the Amazon market. Check Amazon's sales rankings and keyword search results, analyze prices and number of reviews of competing products, and select products with high demand.

2. Calculate profit margin

It is important to calculate an accurate profit margin by calculating the price of the product you are selling, import costs, Amazon fees, shipping costs, etc. If your profit margin is low, you can increase your profit by increasing the number of sales.

3. Reduce import costs

By reducing the cost of importing products, you can increase your profit margin. There are ways to purchase directly from overseas wholesalers and manufacturers, purchase in bulk, and negotiate with delivery companies.

4. Tailor to buyer needs

By aligning the products you sell with the needs of your buyers, you can increase demand. We increase the appeal of products by optimizing their design, functionality, packaging, etc.

5. Consider risk

Selling products involves risks such as returns and exchanges. It is important to minimize risks by considering costs and procedures for returns and exchanges.

6. Have a long-term perspective

In order to make a profit with Amazon exports, it is important to have a long-term perspective. If we pursue short-term profits, we may become involved in price wars with competitors or damage the quality of our products or our reputation.

7. Build brand power

To be successful in Amazon export, you need to build your own brand power. We will consider strategies to increase your brand power, such as launching your own brand, manufacturing OEM products, and devising product packaging and design.

8. Improve customer loyalty

Improving customer loyalty is key to making profits with Amazon exports. By providing courteous customer service and product after-sales care, you can encourage repeat purchases and increase profits.

9. Exploring new markets

Amazon has sales markets all over the world and can expand demand by developing new markets. It is important to explore new ways to develop markets, such as opening a store in overseas sales markets, creating multilingual product pages, and utilizing overseas SNS.

10. Manage the product lifecycle

Managing the lifecycle of your products allows you to respond to fluctuations in demand and maximize profits. It is important to pay attention to the trends of products and the introduction of new technologies, and develop strategies for life cycle management, such as improving products and developing new products.

Summary of the characteristics of products that can be profitably exported from Amazon and how to find them

Based on the above points, you can choose products that will be profitable to export to Amazon. However, some products may violate laws and regulations, so it is important to check in advance. Also, you need to be careful about products with intense competition or products whose demand tends to fluctuate.

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