amazon export    

Which country is recommended for Amazon export?

Things to consider when exporting to Amazon

  1. Demand for Japanese products
  2. lack of competition
  3. Prices and yen depreciation in countries of sale


Demand for Japanese products

Demand for Japanese products is particularly high in the United States and Germany. Although the export volume is large when viewed as a whole, it is also necessary to consider the lack of competition, which will be explained next.

lack of competition

There is less competition in non-English speaking countries such as Italy, Germany, Spain, and France. There is not much information about Amazon export sales in non-English speaking countries, so there are not many people who are involved in the process, but our company specializes in exporting to Europe, especially sales in non-English speaking countries, and we also provide support through consulting.

Prices and yen depreciation in countries of sale

Prices around the world are higher than in Japan in many places, so it's easy to make a profit no matter where you sell, but countries with high prices vary slightly depending on the era.

Also, the yen is currently depreciating against all currencies, making it easier to export, but there will come a time when the yen will appreciate. In that case, products that are barely making a profit due to the weak yen will fall into the red, so it is necessary to handle products that can make a profit even if the yen is strong or weak.


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