Amazon export    

Amazon export methodology [Wholesale negotiation version]

In order to make a profit from Amazon export sales, you
need to be aware of one of the following:

  • increase sales
  • buy products cheaply
  • lower expenses

This time,

I would like to think about ``purchasing products at low prices''

Among Amazon export sellers,

many tend to purchase
from domestic retailers such as online shops, in order to optimize purchasing, it is important to consider the

distribution until the product reaches the consumer. Must be understood.

often said in technique books etc.
that you should buy from the "upstream", but
if you look at the upstream,

"Manufacturer (factory) → Agent → Wholesale store → Retail store"

It will flow in this order.

Where should you conduct purchasing negotiations?

amazon export method

would be to
purchase from the manufacturer connecting with the manufacturer
is a little too difficult for beginners to export to Amazon.

Now, we will discuss negotiations with
distributors and wholesalers
I would like to proceed with the discussion assuming that we will be connected to wholesalers

I would like to think about "wholesale" here

As I said earlier,
from the perspective of product distribution,
the surest way to make a profit

is to purchase from the most upstream manufacturer

is because it is not possible to make a margin
unless the price is increased each time the number of intervening companies increases

However, I also mentioned that it is difficult.

Manufacturers almost


distributors and in order to sell their products , but if we ignore the profit aspect here,
when purchasing from a wholesaler,
the product selection will be affected. The probability of failure is reduced.

can be understood

since the position is between
the manufacturer and the retailer, information on products that are scheduled to be produced in the future and
information from retailers that are currently selling well
this it can be said that there is no better supplier than wholesalers.

Although I said that profits are ignored,
if the risk of failure in product selection is reduced
, it can also be said that it is related to profits.

how do you find
a wholesaler to negotiate
you can search through domestic Amazon

Creating a list for wholesale negotiations

amazon export method

The presence of rival sellers is essential when searching for potential sellers on Amazon

When actually finding products for wholesale purchase
on Amazon , we look at the number of items in stock that the seller handles.

For example, one seller has
100,000 yen or 200,000 yen
in that they are purchasing large quantities from wholesalers
, so that product could be a candidate.

Next, what we are looking for for products that meet these conditions

is whether they can make a profit
when sold on
let's think about whether we can make a profit even if we purchase the product assuming a wholesale price

The selling price on Amazon
is often lowered by 20%
to give you room for negotiation the calculation is based on that.

Actually, this 20% reduction
has a very important meaning.

When we focus on the number 20%,

we tend to think that we can create

a product that generates a huge profit
by adding 20% ​​profit to a product that can generate a profit of several tens of percent from the beginning it is better not to do that. is.

Change your
thinking to making a 20% profit
on a product that should not make a profit from a simple price comparison

If we do that,

it is likely that there are no
sellers who originally handle such products
among the beginners, which makes up the majority we will proceed with product selection based on that idea.

Repeat the process of adding products that meet these conditions

Also, products that have a slow turnover
are difficult to handle, so that
sells 3-5 times per month

Selection of email (telephone) negotiator

amazon export method

Basically, wholesale negotiations
are rarely decided easily.

For example, if you send 100 emails,
only about 5 will show interest,

rationality is required in negotiations

Here, we will assume that you will be negotiating via email, but
if you were to do this yourself,
it would take up most of your day, so

you must first selecting a partner who will be able to help you. not.

From a cost standpoint, we recommend
looking for cloud-based SOHO companies, but

instead of narrowing it down to one person
from Cloudworks or Lancers start recruiting with the intention of hiring 10 people.

With email,
if you create a template first, it
doesn't take much time, so you

can also leave the research work to them at the same time

think about your negotiation partner over the phone

You may get better results over the phone.


amazon export method

If you can have an advantage in selling prices,
you will definitely gain competitiveness.

require a certain amount of barriers
, but there are rewards in return, so
once the system is set up,
purchasing from upstream is the most beneficial.

If you want to increase profits by exporting to Amazon,
be sure to optimize your purchasing.

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