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Packing rules for Amazon FBA agency [Complete archived version]

An agency that
specializes in FBA deliveries
completely eliminates
the work involved on the part of the consignor packs the items to a state that allows for , and
ships them directly to overseas FBA warehouses.

This is a very popular service because
it eliminates all the troublesome elements, if you are worried about capital,

some people may want to just rent the "logistics" capabilities of an agency .

they are people who want to do the work they can

If you are such a person,

there may be
a plan available specifically for such people we recommend that you consider that.

what S&K Logistics calls
"simple forwarding," and
what is required here

is that the packaging work
must comply with the rules

FBA also has clear rules, so
if you ignore them,
you could end up in a situation where your shipment is refused.

let's take a look at
the packaging rules for FBA shipments

Items not individually wrapped

Amazon FBA agency

If stuffed animals, cloth products, etc.
are not packed in a bag
or if the product protrudes from the bag,
the product will be exposed and
may be damaged by dust or moisture.

In such cases,
there is a risk that your shipment will be refused by FBA, so you
will need to use an appropriate packaging method.

To protect the product,

it must be carefully packaged in bags or shrink wrap

if a separate JAN code is affixed
to the product itself, hide the barcode with a sticker, etc.

Amazon FBA agency

Next, the product is placed in a transparent bag and

wrapped with tape to prevent the product from sticking out

Amazon FBA agency

Once the packaging is complete,
the FBA product label on the outside
in a scannable manner
to complete the packaging.

Amazon FBA agency

Multiple barcode products

Amazon FBA agency

the product label and
existing barcode
are visible,
incorrect information will be registered and
proper inventory management will not be possible, so
the existing barcode of the product
must be hidden.

Amazon FBA agency

a product has multiple existing barcodes,

FBA delivery will not be possible unless all of them are hidden

Amazon FBA agency

Set products such as complete set of books

Amazon FBA agency

Items that are not enclosed in packaging materials,
such as complete sets of books, must be wrapped in shrink wrap or
packed in clear plastic bags

Amazon FBA agency

At that time,
cover the JAN code of each individual product with a sticker so that it cannot be seen.

Amazon FBA agency

as a set product
must be affixed to the outside of the package.

Amazon FBA agency

In this case,
please attach a tamper-proof sticker.

Amazon FBA agency

Products with bonus items that may easily come off

Amazon FBA agency

Items that have parts that tend to peel off,
items with bonus items or
books with separate volumes, must be
firmly fixed to prevent them from falling apart

Amazon FBA agency
Amazon FBA agency

these items

close the bag completely with tape

Amazon FBA agency


attach scannable

Amazon FBA agency

Products smaller than barcode labels

Amazon FBA agency

Product labels are also required for small products

Amazon FBA agency

the product's existing barcode
, then place it in a clear plastic bag and
attach the FBA product label.

Amazon FBA agency

fragile items

Amazon FBA agency

Fragile items

may be damaged
during shipping or delivery wrap them in cushioning material or
place them in a protective outer box.

Amazon FBA agency

In addition, if the outer box is fragile

it is necessary to protect it by wrapping it with an air cushion

Amazon FBA agency

Once the protective packaging is complete,

attach the scannable FBA product label to the outer box

Amazon FBA agency

Products with sharp parts

Amazon FBA agency

Products with sharp
edges or exposed edges

pose a safety hazard to workers and buyers

For products with exposed sharp edges,

completely cover
the sharp edges with air cushions
and package the product itself with air cushions or a protective

Amazon FBA agency
Amazon FBA agency

FBA product labels

must be affixed in a scannable manner

Amazon FBA agency

Packing rules for CDs and DVDs

Amazon FBA agency

When delivering CDs and DVDs,

do not wrap air cushions, etc. around the products

If you are concerned about damage during transportation,

you can place an air cushion between the products

Amazon FBA agency

Products that cannot be combined

Amazon FBA agency

When selling as a set product
Individual products
cannot be combined on Amazon.

Amazon FBA agency

When selling as a set product,

it must be combined into one package

Amazon FBA agency

In that case, the product label
should be pasted on top of the package.

Amazon FBA agency

Introduction to packaging materials that can be used

Amazon FBA agency

The following cushioning materials can be used for packaging during delivery

  • air cushion
  • Various cushion materials
  • Foam cushioning material in a bag
  • Shredded paper in a bag

Amazon FBA agency

Bulk foam cushioning materials and
shredded paper
reduce work efficiency and may contaminate products.

Its use is prohibited as it will lead to quality deterioration and delay in receipt

Amazon FBA agency


Amazon FBA agency

I hope you understand that
there are strict rules for shipping to Amazon FBA
depending on the product type

FBA agency is to handle all of these tasks on your behalf, but
you first start doing business on Amazon,
you want to save on this labor fee as well.

it will naturally become possible

to buy these hours with money
why not consider a plan depending on your stage

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