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[Amazon Export] Reasons for receiving a warning for copyright infringement and how to deal with it

If you are exporting to Amazon,

you cannot avoid
receiving warning messages from Amazon Every exporter has probably experienced this at least once.

Even if you think you are not violating the law,
Unknowingly breaking the rulesSometimes it's hidden away,
Even though there is no real violation in the first place,
You may receive a warning from Amazon.

When you first receive a warning message from Amazon,
I think I'm getting impatient,
Be sure to keep these points in mind so that you can respond calmly

1. Why am I being warned?

When should you be warned
in the first place I think there are some people who don't remember it.

Of course, this violate Amazon's selling terms .

I think
everyone checked the listing terms and conditions when they started exporting as a seller

who just check it on the spot and then

hereWhat is prohibited on Amazonabout
Let's check it again.

What's Prohibited
When selling on Amazon, you may not engage in any activity that violates Amazon's policies as described in Prohibited Seller Activities and Conduct and Compliance. Additionally, the following products are prohibited from being listed:

Products that violate the Restricted Products Policy
Unsafe products See Amazon's Product Safety and Compliance Guidelines.
Prescription products
Products that violate applicable national or international law, including the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES)
Infringe the intellectual property rights of a third party;
that violate the provisions of Amazon's Counterfeit Product
Initiative Products that violate any of the provisions set forth by Amazon, including the following products Products that
are offensive Products that are subject to recall

Source: Amazon seller central Terms and Guidelines (Japan)

Among these products, you should be especially careful about the following products.
・Products that infringe on the intellectual property rights of third parties or violate the provisions of Amazon's Counterfeit Product Initiatives

We mainly receive warning emails
when we infringe
on intellectual property rights, copyrights, trademark rights, etc. You may receive a warning via
Amazon you may receive a message directly from the manufacturer/seller

I will explain this in detail later, but
when you receive a warning, don't put it off and
respond quickly and calmly

First at this timeWhat you need to be careful aboutteeth,
Where your message will be deliveredis.

Amazon Seller CentralNot a message box for replies
It may be sent directly to the email address you used when you registered your account

The worst thing you can do is ignore the message

I've also heard of people having
their accounts suspended without even noticing the warning

Because if you are careless, you tend to forget.
Be sure to check it regularly .

2. What happens if you are warned?

what action will you take
if you receive a warning I can't really imagine it, so I'm even more worried.

If this is your first violation, there is no need to worry too much.

I'd like to share with you some examples of what I've actually experienced and what I've heard from friends

2-1. Suspension of listing of the relevant product

The most common case is
suspension of the listing of the relevant .

It would be better to just
stop listing the product if you don't notice the warning ,
the following cases are not uncommon.

2-2. Suspend account

If you receive a warning message directly from the manufacturer, you

basically cancel the listing of the product for which you received the warning and
send an email apologizing , but nothing serious will happen. It may be suspended (temporarily stopped)

it is determined to be malicious there are cases where the account may be permanently suspended

2-3. Will it lead to a lawsuit?

around melitigation issuesNo one has gone that far, but
The response was delayed,
There are several people who are just one step away from that.

In order to prevent this from happening,
Let's take appropriate action

3. How should I respond when I receive a warning?

When you receive your first warning message,
I don't know how to deal with it,
You may feel confused, but don't panic and deal with it .

3-1.Explanation based on actual examples

This actually a warning message from Amazon via the seller .
Warning example

Simply translated,

it says "We have withdrawn the listing of the product mentioned in this email.
If you want to list it again, you will need to withdraw the complaint from the right holder "

Following this is the contact information for the rights holder

3-2.Reply to email to rights holder

Just because you received a warning from Amazon,
replying to the email and
apologizing to Amazon.

You must apologize to the rights holder's contact information provided in the email

Apologizing in English may be
for those who are not used to it Google Translate to create an English apology that is well understood.

Here some things to keep in mind :
・Apology for copyright infringement
・A statement that the listing of the relevant product has been deleted
・A statement that no intellectual property rights will be infringed in the future
・When translating the apology email you created into English, send it one sentence at a time

The accuracy of Google Translate
has improved significantly compared to the past, but
long sentences
can sometimes end up looking a little unnatural Let's try to translate each sentence as much as possible, even if it's a hassle

4. What not to do when warned

There are two things
you should not do if you receive a warning

4-1.Ignore warning emails


think there are many
people who deliberately ignore emails, to avoid that situation where you end up putting it off because you think it's difficult to respond in English even if it's written in bad English,
important to take action .

Also, as I mentioned at the beginning,
warning emails from Amazon

may be sent to the email address you used when you registered your account , rather than to the reply-required message box in Seller Central

4-2. Violating similar rights

The actual warning email mentioned earlier
did not progress to the point of suspending the account .

However, in my experience, this so-called yellow card situation .
If you have
a young account with a small number of reviews there is a good chance that
your account will be suspended if you infringe on intellectual property again

we must be careful to infringe on intellectual property

So what is needed to avoid infringement of rights ?

5. Be careful not to be warned.

At first glance, it may be difficult to tell which products are legal and which are not

we will introduce some points to check whether the product you are trying to sell infringe on copyright, etc.

*Please note that this does not mean that you will be completely safe.

5-1.Avoid handling famous brand products at all costs

Avoid dealing with
world-famous companies such as Apple and Disney , are very strict about copyright infringement Some Japanese companies, such as Sony and Nikon,
prohibit the listing of new products, so
you need to be careful when dealing with products from large companies that you have heard of .

5-2. Confirmation of minor foreign brands

Of course,
other than well-known brands also have the rights to products.

Reference blog: The selling

This is an overseas blog, but it

lists brands that are prohibited from being sold in each , even if they are unfamiliar in Japan so
if there is a product you are interested in, check to see if that brand falls under will help you.

Just because a brand name is not written on this blog does not mean it is safe.
Please use this as a guide only.

If you are using a listing tool, etc.,
it is convenient to register the brand as an NG item using the blacklist function

5-3. Check the official website

, the manufacturer's official website
a warning regarding overseas sales Especially if you have an official distributor overseas ,
it would be safer to cancel the listing.

If there is a product you really want to sell,
contact the manufacturer directly Surprisingly, there are some companies that will take you up on it.

6.Summary of causes and countermeasures for Amazon copyright infringement warnings

We have summarized the causes of warning emails from Amazon and how to deal with them

In either case,
it is most important to respond calmly and honestly

This may be

a point that you may be too lazy to overlook at first there is nothing you can do if
your account is permanently suspended Intellectual property infringement is the most important thing, so be very careful.

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