amazon export    

Which bank account should I use for Amazon export?

Proceeds from Amazon exports need to be transferred to a bank account and received, but
sales from Amazon in the US require an American bank account.

I would like to introduce two methods on how to prepare a bank account to receive sales proceeds in the United States

create an overseas bank account

union bank

Union Bank allows you to easily open a bank account even from within Japan.

Union Bank account registration services are also available at UFJ Bank and other institutions.

However, when exporting to Amazon, sales proceeds must be received through a corporate account.

In other words, it is necessary to set up a corporation, which
makes it difficult for those without overseas business experience to create a corporate account.

It may be difficult to set up and maintain a corporation for exporting to Amazon.

Rent a corporate account

There are services that allow you to rent corporate accounts.

You can also receive sales from Amazon using this service.

However, please note that a fee will be charged when sending money.

Payoneer is well known among Japanese people, but
it is a unique service in that remittances are limited to Japan Post Bank.

many people are using Worldfirst instead of payoneer.

Worldfirst has no account maintenance fees, so
we recommend this option.

When exporting to Amazon outside of the US

Export agency

You can also do business in countries other than Amazon in the US, such as European countries, China, and Canada,

``Do I have to open a bank account in each country in such a case?'' That
is not the case.

If you use Amazon China's "Global Opening" service,
you can export and sell products to Amazon all over the world using just your American bank account.

, Worldfirst, which
I introduced earlier, allows you to create accounts in Europe and Canada, so
it is easier to use that.

If you have a product that is likely to sell at a high price in multiple countries, you
may want to consider using these services.

Quickly set up a bank account
so you can start your Amazon export business as soon as possible!

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