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Comparison and recommendations of Amazon export tools

In this article, we have selected recommended Amazon export tools.

Basically, everyone who works on exporting to Amazon as their main job uses paid tools, so I would like to introduce paid tools first.

Paid Amazon export tool


This is the ultimate tool in the Amazon export world, and is available as a bonus to those who apply for our consulting service.

Although the price is higher than other companies, it has many functions that other companies do not have, and overseas tools with similar functions cost about 50,000 yen, so we are seriously working on exporting to Amazon. I highly recommend it to anyone who is.

Among the multiple functions, the most recommended is the product research function, which is the only one in Japan and overseas that includes a sales prediction function

If you use the FBA sales know-how that we recommend, you can export to Amazon as long as you have this function.

Also, the price revision function that allows you to revise the price based on domestic Amazon, Rakuten, and Yahoo Shopping prices and inventory availability is extremely useful for seller shipments.

The product research function also allows you to research used products, and the unique feature is that you can output the results of your research in the form of listing them on eBay.

Those who use Amatopia can use our agency service without paying a monthly membership fee, so it is also recommended for those who want to utilize tools and logistics.

We have updated the product to incorporate our shipping schedule by default, so when researching a product, you can quickly determine whether the product will be profitable if sent through our logistics.

if you confirm that you will make a profit and determine that a sufficient number of products will be sold based on the estimated sales volume, you will be able to make a profit by selling products with high precision. It is possible.

However, even if the tools are profitable, there are some that require a sales permit or cannot be exported.

Also, although exchange rates do not usually fluctuate rapidly, there may be sudden fluctuations in exchange rates once every 5 to 10 years.

In such a case, if the exchange rate moves in your favor, your profit will double, but if it moves in the opposite direction, you may end up in the red.

Therefore, although it cannot be said that there is zero risk, it is now a highly reproducible business that many people engage in not only as their main job but also as a side job.

price star

This is a tool that is said to have the highest number of users. Although it is not intended for export as there are many domestic users, it has the advantage of being cheap and easy to introduce.

There are no other noteworthy points, but the advantage is that the total sales of other sellers are displayed in a ranking format, which makes it easy to increase motivation.

I think there are many people who used it before Amazon itself added the price revision function, but recently it seems like many people are switching to other tools.

Recommended for those who are new to Amazon export and want to use Amazon's tools as cheaply as possible.


This is a desktop application.

The product research function allows you to obtain as much information as Amatopia, but it does not have a sales prediction function and only links to monorates.

Therefore, it is not very suitable for researching products with a large number of monthly sales for FBA sales, but it is a valuable tool for users who are just starting to sell on Amazon.

It is unique in that it supports Amazon in China and Australia, which are not supported by many other companies' tools.

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