Amazon export    

Before using an Amazon agency in the US [S&K Logistics Edition No.1]

will undertake the
difficult and troublesome work when exporting to the US Amazon .

agents these days is very high.For

if you are thinking of

purchasing from a domestic online shop they will take care of all the processes.

all about the process.
(To be more precise, it is after purchasing and sending it to the S&K Logistics warehouse)

that doesn't mean there's nothing to do

Even as an agent,
is no way that you
can understand everything that is going on in the customer's head you must provide all the necessary information


I would like to carefully confirm
the necessary work and its meaning, assuming that you will actually use

I think it would be a bit large
to cover everything I will write it in two parts.

Understand the meaning of product information

US Amazon agency

we have to fill out the
target "product information" before sending the product to the warehouse

If even one item of product information is missing,
it will hinder
smooth agency it is wise to be aware of it.

Let's look at them one by one.


SKU (stock keeping unit) is
an inventory control number.
Setting a number based on your own standards
makes inventory management easier.

Also, since Amazon
requires settings when listing
(if not set, it will be determined automatically)
, we will disclose one setting standard.


The first day is the day the product was purchased.

the purchase cost, number of purchases, predicted sales number, and number of sellers, .

By being able to visually check purchase costs,
it is easy to understand the break-even point.


This is the Japanese standard for product identification codes.

Since it is the most popular number in Japan,

it can be managed not only by Amazon but also by most online shops

By the way, internationally, EAN code is
used in America, and UPC code is used.


may be unfamiliar to those who have just started

it is an identification code that is used when importing and shipping items through FBA

For FBA shipments, a label
is required for each item, and the FNSKU
is also printed on the label.

"ASIN code"

ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number)

is Amazon's unique product control number used by Amazon

This is used for things other than books, so

a 10- or 13-digit number
is also used on Amazon for books

If the product is a book,
the ISBN will replace the ASIN code.

"Product name (English) Title US"
"Product name (Japanese) Title JP"

you can just write
the name of the purchased product you also need to write it in English as well.

However, it is easy to find out the product name in both countries

by using the ASIN code
used by Amazon checking on Amazon in both countries.

For example, for the ASIN "B00B20ANYK"

"Pokemon Y"
"Pokemon Y (Japan Import)"

That's how it goes.


This is the number of products sent to the warehouse.

"Purchase unit price"

This is the product price when purchased from an online shop, etc.

"Assumed volumetric weight (g)"


is calculated by "Length (cm) x Width (cm) x Height (cm) ÷ 5,000"

For example, if you purchase a product from Amazon,

the dimensions of the product package are listed
in the registration information field on the Amazon product page you can calculate the size by referring to that.

"Assumed actual weight (g)"

information is also obtained from the Amazon registration information section

Unlike dimensional weight,

it is listed as is in every online shop

Prohibition of handling FDA related products

US Amazon agency

FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
is the Food and Drug Administration, which

regulates products such as foods, medicines, and cosmetics

There are various problems
with exporting FDA-related products they cannot enter the United States unless approval is obtained
, so they are excluded from the scope of handling from a risk perspective.

Also, even if you are able to clear customs safely,
there are rules for FBA, so
you need to be careful.

For example, in the case of
food products
with a best before date of less than 90 days are subject to FBA delivery restrictions.

an individual, rather than a corporation, were to handle FDA-related products

it would be difficult to understand
such multiple layers .

the fact that there are few competitors
is also something that cannot be overlooked.

there are local laws
that you must be aware of when exporting and selling on Amazon

Japan and the United States
have many different rules.
For example, Japan
is somewhat tolerant of parallel imports, but the United States is strict.

In particular, it can be said that the awareness of protecting intellectual property rights is
quite high, and one type of
law that protects trademark rights is the
``Lanham Act'' , which is the basis for

requesting withdrawal of listings. It often comes.


US Amazon agency

What I have explained above

the minimum knowledge required to export to the US using an agent .

JAN, ASIN, etc. can be understood in one go, but
FDA and other related laws and regulations
need to be paid attention to for each product, so
it is important to constantly update your knowledge.

If you want to continue exporting to the US Amazon,
keep studying.

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