Amazon export    

[Is it time to consider Amazon export FBA delivery agency? ] 5 reasons why you should not neglect research

By the time you are visiting this site,
you are
probably already in the stage of comparing and considering export agents request
or make a final decision about
Amazon export agent

Amazon's export agency is
primarily concerned with logistics agency work, so

there should be no problems in selecting the products to be handled at the selection stage

considering that you are reading this article
I think you may have
some questions or concerns about "Research"

If you have the slightest feeling of uneasiness,

even if the issue has not yet been resolved,
we recommend that you take a look at
this article, which summarizes research on exporting to Amazon

Basic research method for Amazon export

Amazon export agency research

it is important to get a feel what kinds of products
tend to sell

For top-selling products
that rank within the top 100, called
"Amazon Best Sellers" is set up, so
let's check it out.

For the "Electronics" category

What do you think?

Even within the top 20 rankings,
tablets tend to be the most popular.

However, please be careful
here, only to understand the trends and

do not actually try to deal with products within the top 100

If it is in this rank, it

by a corporation with abundant funds most of the time, Amazon has the inventory,
even if you list it, it will not sell well.

I can conclude this for now with the feeling that tablets, cameras, displays,
etc. are selling well

let's actually search on
based on that trend


is to search
mainly for products exported the keywords used for the search are

  • Japan Import
  • Made in Japan

Please search using .

may see the notation "All"
next to the search window , where you

can select
over 40 categories on
to narrow down the categories
rather than selecting all genres. This is useful when selecting a product.

If you follow the example of "Amazon Best Sellers" above,
you will select the "Electronics" category.

If you do a search,

you will find

Japanese brand names such as "Fujifilm, Panasonic, and Casio" from among them,

you will select products that are likely to be profitable

However, as I mentioned earlier, the

, the more likely it is that corporations will enter the
market so
it is necessary to shift to less well-known brands

Be careful of prohibited products in Amazon export research

Amazon export agency research

The basic research method
is as above.

If you start with this method,
there will be no major deviation in the products you handle.

from the perspective of the trade business

, there are some points that must be taken into consideration when selecting products

These are products that are designated as dangerous goods or
subject to exhibition regulations

at the research stage, these
are meaningless.

, when shipping
products they must pass through Japanese export customs clearance

At export customs clearance,

the first barrier to worry about is aircraft,
as they cannot be stopped
unless an export declaration is submitted and

According to
aircraft not only explosives but
also liquids and oxidizing substances
are designated as dangerous goods.For
example, if you are handling a product such as ``perfume'', it will
be classified as a ``flammable liquid'' and
will not be allowed to be loaded. Masu.

import customs clearance in the United States .

electronic devices and lithium-ion batteries
into the United States
without following the prescribed application process.

Next, listing
on Amazon is regulated.

For example, the acceptance of animals, plants, and foodstuffs
is very strict, so

it would be wise to exclude them at the product selection stage

There is also
a weight limit for FBA shipments if a single box exceeds 22 or 23 kg,
it will be refused.

When exporting from Amazon, there are products that are easily returned.

Amazon export agency research

exporting to Amazon as a business
, we will definitely
have to deal with returns

Amazon is customer-centric.

Please keep this in mind first.

a customer requests a return,
the response

is usually completed between Amazon and the customer when sales are outsourced to Amazon FBA

a product returned to Amazon FBA is , this is not the case, and

you will be forced to decide whether to send it back to Japan or have it disposed of

Even if the product can be resold,

it is still best to avoid returning the product if the packaging is poor,

as there is a risk of complaints when the product is delivered to a second customer

To achieve this,
the return rate can be lowered by eliminating to
be returned from the product research stage

I hear that the return rate
for audio products I would like to avoid that from the beginning.

*If the profit rate and return rate conflict,
which one to choose
is left to the seller's guidelines.

Some genres require "category application" for Amazon export.

Amazon export agency research

I explained earlier
has over 40 categories, not all of them can be handled unconditionally.

Half of those categories, over 20,

a category application before the product can be used.

Here is the list.

if you have selected
the target product
, it will be meaningless unless the category application is accepted

Requiring an application means
that the barrier to entry is high, so
there are great benefits to dealing with this category, but

it is not possible if you
are purchasing from a retailer based on the price difference between Japan and overseas

dealing with vendors is essential
for the application to be accepted it won't happen overnight.

Repeated transactions through Amazon export
will be a shortcut to applying for the category.

Considering Japan's advantages in research on Amazon exports

Amazon export agency research

Amazon export

is a business that targets
customers overseas (the United States)
we are required to consider products that
are difficult to purchase only from Japanese sellers

Think about what is being done to Americans.

  • comics
  • anime
  • manufacturing
  • Ukiyo-e
  • ceramics

Japan has many products that can be promoted as Japan's strengths

into the genre
and research

I can imagine that
other Japanese sellers , so in order to gain a competitive advantage,
we must like one of them to the fullest.

It may be a good idea to acquire enough knowledge to be called an expert .

I hope you have understood that there are many
points to be careful about when researching, regardless of the genre that utilizes your strengths

you take this opportunity to reaffirm this

Amazon's export agency with good products , you will be able to set up a sales system overseas.

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